Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Am I a perfectionist?

How we actually define one?

The greatest fear for a perfectionist is to be flawed and their ultimate goal is perfection.
Simply said.

I just read definitions for perfectionism on Wikipedia.
It scares the hell out of me as I figured out that I, unintentionally, has been behaving as one for as long as I can remember.
[I thought all this while my friends had got me wrong]

This is not good.

Normal perfectionists "derive a very real sense of pleasure from the labours of a painstaking effort" while neurotic perfectionists are "unable to feel satisfaction because in their own eyes they never seem to do things [well] enough to warrant that feeling".

Perfectionists are people who strain compulsively and unremittingly toward impossible goals and who measure their own worth entirely in terms of productivity and accomplishment.

I can't be possibly blaming myself for these.
Maybe it was genetically passed down to me by my great ancestors or some kind like that.
[excuse, excuse]

You might think that a perfectionist is a workaholic.
One does not stop working until everything is in place according to one's expectation.

You can be wrong.

A perfectionist is a person who procrastinates a lot too.
[which clearly defines my state of condition now]

'I can't start off my task until I know the right way to do it'
'I can't start mopping if I don't use lavender-scented floor cleaner'
'I can't start rearrange my baking ingredients because I don't have those stack able containers like those in the Chef at Home's show'

I reproach myself after the smallest error, such as a word out of place or a misspelled word (even in my text messages or emails);
I might be so intent on finding the perfect mate that I probably will never settle down;
I am now a devoted procrastinator (yuhuuu!);
and I can be exceptionally sensitive to criticism.
[this explains why I never do a follow-up with my customer]

*I just don't dare to ask, 'How was the cake? Do you like it?'*

Now I know why I can't/won't be a good businessperson.

Back when I was training in the factory, I encountered the same problem too.

Whenever it was the time for packing, I would leave products that were not-so-perfect behind.
Only the perfect ones will go into 'my' boxes.
And mind you, the not-so-perfect ones were actually still can go out of the production lines.
It's just that it won't happen from my side.
I want my boxes of shipment to be flawless.
As if I was the one who will receive them.
And I freak out too whenever I have to work with those who care less about perfection.
Which reminded me of my college days where I have to nag and shout and scream in my kitchen because my group members frequently leave the table dirty and the mis-en-place was everywhere.

It was tiring anyway.
It's not that I don't try to change.
I just can't.

When I was trying to do my bit for my high school batch's reunion, I eventually walked away.
Simply because they can't do it according to my way.
I want to ensure everyone's safety.
I tried to be in everybody else's shoes.
I just want a less troublesome vacation.
I enjoy the sense of taking control over something but that's not how they want it.
I was trying to help, that's all.
I've done my research and I've updated anything possible but they might have taken me for granted, that this whole thing was not as serious as anyone but me should handle it.

Now I don't feel like going anymore.
Things would have been so much better if I can be as normal as others, I think.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A match worth watching?

Malaysians treated them like kings.

Bjorn Borg.
John McEnroe.
Roger Federer.
James Blake.

People were wooing, shouting, screaming their 'kings' names out of their lungs.
Ran after them for precious autographs, quick kisses and admiring glances.

Fans were still be fans.
There's nothing wrong with that.
I've done it over enthusiastically last year.
Watching Federer swoops his racquet right in front of my eyes were just surreal.

But not anymore.
Not this year or in the years to come.
Not unless I step foot in any of the Grand Slams' tennis arenas.

I wonder why Malaysians are so proud of them. Instead of nurturing young Malaysians guns to some tennis monsters, we would prefer to celebrate those famous ones than our own.

Once a year.
And they played a warm-up game, I tell you.
1 set aje?
You got to be kidding me.

We were like puppets, worshiping something that is not worth worshiping.

The umpire was not serious at all.
He can't answer McEnroe's inquiries.
The linesmen were making false calls.
McEnroe 'exploded' a few times.
The ballboys were even way too slow to pick and throw those balls.
Blake was kind enough to give some help.

It's more to humiliation to Malaysia's level of sporting action, rather then being a fan for those great names in the world of tennis.

They earned almost USD3million that night alone, yet, we embarrassed ourselves with some traditional-costume-clad girls. And those players didn't even look at them.

And never in any tennis championship history that a stadium was filled by these kind of entertainment (or exhibition or a fashion parade, I have no idea) as a way to promote one's unique culture.

In Dubai Open, the organiser actually made these players wear their traditional long dress and have a photo shoot session for their tourism-boosting purposes.

So so unlike us.

It's very frustrating.

Sports are no longer cherished as competitive events where the adrenaline rush was so high, the blood may have gone out of our brain.

Instead, it's just an entertainment that we paid handsomely for.
At least for Malaysians.

Which reminded me a similar occasion when Chelsea FC came to Shah Alam for a friendly match last July.
I was there.
The stadium was almost packed.
And most of the people were supporting Chelsea instead of Malaysia.
None of that I care about.
I might as well supported MU if they are here for a match.
It's the support Malaysians show for our local sports/groups/teams.
In any local league match, the attendance of fans that surprisingly high is totally questionable, probably impossible.

We Malaysians expect the best of everything.
Yet, we always fail to deliver on our own.

[I wrote this article last week, but only managed to publish it today. Expect me to post multiple entries in these few days time. I'm still recovering from chikungunya :( ]

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It's Chikungunya..
Commonly mistaken as dengue due to it's similar cynical symptoms but it is not.
Symptoms of Chikungunya:
1. High fever
2. Rashes
3. Chronic joints pain (which will last for > 3months)
4. Concurrent deaths

concurrent deaths?

According to an article, this applied to elderly people with low immunity level plus could be fatal for pregnant women too.

(Thank God I am not that old and so not pregnant)

It is contagious but only through mosquitoes bites.

Previous victims were my neighbours, more neighbours and my dad.

I've been suspected by my family doctor to carry the virus for these past few days.

Sakit badan, sengal etc.

The moment I thought that I'm doing just fine, the fever is gone, I sweat and perspired; my joints ache again.

I've drank bottles of 100plus for dehydration as there are no specific cure for this disease.
Medicines are pointless at this state.

I am starving but the food taste bitter and my stool has this very weird colour (I didn't mean to sound so gross, but, well, we have to know other symptom too)

I slept and woke up and walked like a very old lady since I could not feel my feet.

Rukuk while praying is another torture.

I talked to my mom and a few moments later I forgot what it was about.
(Short-term memory loss was probably not one of the symptom, I tensed up cause I have several cake orders for the weekend and I barely feel the tip of my fingers)

The incubation period for this fever usually last for 7 days.

I die loh like this.

Thanks and sorry dad for the breakfasts and lunches and dinners.
I really want to eat but I just can't swallow.

Thanks and sorry mom for all the house chores that you have to do despite your overloaded office works.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tangled up!

Whatever I am trying to accomplish in the future must come along with my parents' blessings so that I am forever under their consent, support and bless..

Or so I thought.

I was in a sweet perfect vacation last few days. I accompanied my mum to a convention in Port Dickson. The gentle breeze of the ocean, the calming effect of the melodious waves, the perfect sunset-watching indulgence; I haven't had my private time i.e. doing nothing, for quite a long time.

As how I thought I would finally had my peace of mind, with a notebook in my hand, a pen in the other, the serene ocean view had helped me out with lots of plans and projections.

Not until I overheard my mum's talking with her other friends..

'I didn't want her to go to KL'
'Baru je ada tempat nak bermanja kat rumah'
'Baru je duduk rumah 2 bulan'
'Mana ada teman dekat rumah dah'

I thought what she had wanted was the other way around.

There I go.
Another rigmarole nightmare happened in the naked daylight time.
Put myself back into another tangle of confusions.

I didn't put the blame on my mum.
Any mother would love to have their children around.
Especially when the children had been away from home for so long.

I didn't know what to say.

I stared at the ocean, secretly wished that some solutions might pop up from waves or written somewhere on the sand.

I do wished I can please myself and all at the same time, I can be able to take a very good care over my mum's feelings.

Which is quite impossible in my condition.

Probably going back to KL is not a very good idea after all.

A daughter has to put her mum's needs first, under whatever circumstances she is in.

I'll only exacerbate the whole situation if I stick to my plan.
Without a mum's bless, any human can't achieve greatly in life.

I love you, mak.
I think I'll stay.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Reward of the day~

I sold this cake for the price of MYR 80.
[ I know it's quite cheap, I'm in Kuala Pilah laa:P]
2+kg of ganache coated super moist chocolate cake.
The cake was undeniably easy to make.
Only the baking time was longer than the usual 35-45 minutes of ordinary butter cakes.
This cake is baked in a slow oven for about 1 and a half hour.

The fudge?
Piece of cake.
I mix up dairy cream with chocolate and some butter, warm it up then let it cool down.
The ganache is ready.
Assembling took place.
I arranged some jelly coated strawberries and did the writing.
My cake is done.
[I always like my cake decorations simple]

My reward?
That MYR80.

But that's not all.
The sense of personal accomplishment counted in.
The satisfactory feeling.
The smile on the face of my customer,
it's just brighten up my day.

That's my true rewards.

Of course, additional strawberry milkshake made up my day too ^_^
The strawberries were in excess.
I happened to always have stock for vanilla ice-cream
And, well, milk is a must in my fridge.


Thanks Kak Salbi, Ketua Puteri UMNO Kuala Pilah for the order :)

p/s: I still couldn't find my kitty :'(

Sunday, November 9, 2008


All men and women are born, to live, suffer and die; what distinguishes us one from another is our dreams, whether they be dreams about worldly or unworldly things, and what we do to make them come about ...

We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents. We do not choose our historical epoch, the country of our birth, or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing. We do not, most of us, choose to die; nor do we choose the time and conditions of our death. But within this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we live.

-Joseph Epstein

Copy-pasted article for today.
Thanks Uncle Aziz.
It's very inspiring anyway.

I'm way too devastated to write..
My kitten went missing~~

Stupid me.
I've taken for granted my dad had count them off before their evening's meal.

I'm so sorry my little kitty.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

It breaks my heart :(

She had the sweetest, innocent smile.
With a hearty laugh and melodious giggle, she reminded me of my pretty childhood time.
She made me grin.
Despite her admiring shyness, she walked towards me and opened up her hands.
She sat on my lap, staring into my eyes while playing with my fingers.


I had her lips sealed on my cheek.

She spoke words of the elves.
I'd like to put it in that way.
She ran around me and then led me to the swing.
I helped her to put on her tiny pink shoes.
Her silence of obedience awed me.
I smiled, again.

Then, as fate brought it, I have to leave.
She clung tight on me and started to weep.
She refused to let go.
My dam of tears was about to explode too..

I quickly gave her back to her mom,
kissed her hard on both cheeks,
ran towards my car
and slammed the door with a very broken heart.

She never stopped crying.

I felt terribly bad.

I waved goodbye in mixed emotions.

* I promised I'll come back again Nina*

Friday, November 7, 2008

Rest in peace, Crichton ~

A Case Of Need - I read it when I was about 11. The novel belongs to my brother. Or maybe to one of his friend's. He had written it brilliantly under the name of Jeffrey Hudson. I found the novel yesterday, with dog-eared pages and torn covers, I have plan to reread it in this few days' time. Hails to all the good doctors.

Jurassic Park - I didn't remember when exactly I had put my hands on this book. Not really a big fan of sci-fi, thriller genre myself, but this book had keep me awake all night. A total page turner. I saluted him as Einstein in writing. Genius masterpiece.

Timeline - How on earth he could dig out all the mysterical time travel hard-to-explain science?
I know it's not possible but after reading this, I did secretly wished to go back in the past and rectify all of my silly mistakes and stupid annoying jokes ;)

ER - My favourite show before Grey's Anatomy exist. Aside from drooling over Clooney's sexy smile, Crichton's creation of ER was considered bold and extra-ordinary show of it's own.

I didn't read all of his books [my bad] neither I watched all of his novel-adaptation movies, but for being an excellent writer and thinker, he deserved a simple tribute, right from the bottom of my heart.

Michael Crichton 1942-2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Moving back to KL.

As the old Malay saying goes :

Jangan benci sangat, lama- lama suka.

I've learned my lesson.
I hate big cities.
I swore to never live in big cities.
And now I have to go back to KL and earn my living there.
At least for a minimum time of 6 months.
I thought I should give it a try.
Talking about seizing an opportunity.

So, my dear customers in Klang Valley plus, hopefully, more in the future to come,
I'll be around, serving at my best, by this coming January , insya-Allah.
Hope to meet you guys soon and well, I pray hard so that everything will turn out just fine, in compose and as planned.

God, please bear with me.
Friends and relatives, I need your support.
Angah and Kak Ila, thanks for the given chance.
My kittens and cats, mom really hate to be parted from you guys.
And last but not least, Ayah and Mak, you know I always love to have you around.
I just have to go, yet again.

Fingers crossed, I swear to be myself no matter how seducing and enticing the outside world is; how selfish and impolite the people would be;
how snobbish and arrogant the people would behave like;
how cunning and deceiving;
how manipulating and egoistic;
God, please, let me be just me.

It's not that all city people were bad.
And it's not all about negative self-conception.
It's just a simple truth.
It's exactly how city people were portrayed.
I am just following through.

.. not a leaf falleth but He knoweth it ..
al-An'am : 59

God knows best.
Probably this is what He had destined me to do.

" The price of greatness is responsibilty "
Winston S Churchill

Alas, it's my own responsibility, striving forward and achieving goals while earning a decent money along the way, jumping over no matter what come across.

I hate big cities, but I certainly HAVE to DO this.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Bumiputera exhibition?

This is just another lousy entry...

Even though I did mention I hate big cities, I went to KL yesterday.
There was this bumiputera entrepreneurship exhibition going on in PWTC, but it was not up to my expectation, at all.

There was a booth selling slimming corset etc.

Another booth selling I-can't-pronounce-the-name tudung, busana etc.

Another booth selling keropok lekor.

And another selling their so-called energetic coffee mix..


There were only a few booths offering information regarding loans and grants but probably due to fatigue or maybe because they didn't got the time to try their neighbour's energetic coffee drink [excuses, excuses], I was treated very poorly..

I wished I could slap myself for foolishly expecting bumiputra can offer me better than these.

I didn't blame the exhibitors. Of course, they can sell whatever they want to sell. And I am glad that nobody was selling cupcakes :P

By the way, this is a sample picture of my cherry white chocolate cheesecake my brother had taken using his DSLR camera.

*angah, thanks, but u can stop grinning in proud now, please*

Saturday, November 1, 2008

November it is!

You finally came :)

I have so many plans for this month.
Obviously, I'm going to turn 22 in the next few weeks.
It's still early, I know.
It's just a sweet little reminder for my sis.
And bro.
And cousins.
And friends..

I didn't really ask for a present, or did I? :P

Well, growing older is not a big fuss for me.
I'm still single, but being surrounded with a happy family plus friends who cared so much about me, why bother, right?
I don't think I have anything to complain around about.
I have what I want in life for the moment.
And I am as busy as a bee, working on my website which still look dull and quite pathetic (my bad!), I really don't think I can focus on building a relationship right now.

But yes, dreams are aplenty.
And to sacrifice a few in order to achieve more is just my cup of tea.
He can wait for that.
He should.

Oh heck, I don't even have that 'he' yet.

As Tina Fey of 30 Rock had put it in Oprah :

Let those men out there gain their experience about us through other women.
Let them flirt.
Let them have the relationships.
Let them get dumped and learn the hard way.
When the right time comes, they'll walk into our lives with undoubted expertise and treat us just like queens.
That's what happened to me.
And now I'm living the happiest days of my life with the man I love.
Don't worry singles!

I love you Fey :)

I'm going to bake white chocolate cherry cheesecake today.
This time is for Angah, cute sis :P