Thursday, October 16, 2008

Isn't everyone born unique?

I am very new to blogging.
As more comments and readers can be invaluable, one can't help but to write good stuffs in hoping that readers may, at least, satisfy with how their precious time is well spent.
But I am guilelessly admit that I am ignoramus about getting more responders for my blog.
Oh heck.
I don't even know how to modify it's unattractiveness at the first place myself.
I guess I am better in the kitchen :P

But that doesn't stop my real intention of writing.
I wanted my voices to be heard.
I wanted my views to be reviewed.
I wanted my opinions to be well-noticed.
I wanted to conquer the world of bloggers! [ that's wholly exaggerated ;)]

The thought of ingratiating through writing blogs can be tiring.
I have no idea what do readers expect from a blog.
So, as a solution-finder myself, I think it will be best for me to search/read through 'recommended' good blogs.

And these are what I found:

1. The way of writing is more or less the same ( can I say the format?).
2. The content is more or less the same.
3. The theme is more or less the same.
4. The choice of words is more or less the same.
5. The reviews of movies/books/shopping malls/weather are more or less the same.

Or in short, some of these bloggers were actually imitating each other.
Even toddlers can tell that they're not accidental.
But for those bloggers of transcendent uniqueness, well done!
We're born with different traits, don't we?
Or is it the natural way of how we actually think or brought up or cultured?

"I will get more attention if I write as how he/she writes"
"I will be noticed if I place this/that inside my blog just like how he/she did"
"I am in a a state of total irresolute. Nevermind. I can copy his/her topic."

I don't know what will you think about this. But I do know now that I will continue writing as long as I feel like to. Name it personal or informative or B.O.R.I.N.G., I will be happy as long as I don't have to be someone I am not. Period.


Izyan de' Nerd said...

erkk, i hope you didn't include me in this little experiment of yours. [scary scary*]

Am i a copycat?? Honestly, i have no idea.. i write whatever comes to mind; mostly about myself (lol, i'm narcissistic i know!)

But just to get things straight: i see my blog mostly as a virtual, convenient place for me to pen my thoughts down, not much different from my diary-writing days in highschool. And if my blog just so happens to be resembling someone else's.. hmm.. well, let's just say i'm pretty sure the other party's been doing all the imitating (perasan).. hehe =P

But i agree with u, be urself! Let not others govern ur thoughts and ideas. Let us be that minority of bloggers who blog.... well, 'just for the heck of it'!! [borrowing syed's words here =)]

munirah sulaiman said...

U are one of a kind loh..
How can yours be possibly resembling someone else's blog?
No one can write as amazingly as u ;)

Yes. Let's just be in the minority.
I always like it moderate.. :)

Actually I also thought that I, somehow, might possibly copying other people's ideas, so I decided to stop venturing into others'.

But I won't stop following yours :)

Or should I say, I won't stop stalking the minority ones.. hehehe.. ;)

ermm.. btw, I'm having triple choc brownies as snack, my dear.. want some? :P

SalamMedia said...

I am a copy cat. In fact I am a copy dog. More often I am a copy pig. Sometimes I photocopy. sometimes, I have someone else to photocopy. If Im not around, you can always find me at kedai kopi.

Ok Im just messing around.

munirah sulaiman said...

NH is strictly under probation of excessive caffeine intake crime.

It's incorrigible, I understand NH ;P

And please, you are 1 VERY fine blogger.
Stop being too modest ;)

SalamMedia said...

“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.”- Albert Einstein.

Ive known this quote since I could learn to read.

munirah sulaiman said...

Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
-Napoleon Hill.

If one believes he/she can writes his/her mind off in his/her very own way, why on earth not?

I don't hate copy cat(s).
I just preferred originality more.

But I love cats, for sure!:)