Thursday, October 16, 2008

Motive + action ?

I'm trying to find some inner strengths. As strangely as it may sound like, my bums weigh surprisingly triple from the existing ones today. I wonder why.

I scarcely do any household chores. I read the newspapers and heartlessly flipped through pages of a new magazine my dad bought. [I can't seem to remember a thing, oh, no, wait, I remembered Fabregas slammed Wenger for Arsenal's lack of experienced players :P ]

And I have an incalculable amount of works that needed to be done. Everything is just not in place and nope, I'm not having PMS.

* I am definitely not going to die this soon, I hope*

I neither could find my nike's green t-shirt that had these so-called motivational words embossed on it :

istighfared seven times in hoping that I can extricate myself from this ntah ape-ape feeling. Then I remembered this one proverb:

You never will be the person you can be if pressure,
tension and discipline are taken out of your life.

James G. Bilkey

Right. I guessed I just have to slap myself shamelessly for being so helpless and let my feeling to take control over my not-so-sane mind.

KJ, I'll write about 'the tag thing' right after I'm done with my customers' orders :)

I think I just have to drag my bum!


Izyan de' Nerd said...
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munirah sulaiman said...
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munirah sulaiman said...

my bums weigh surprisingly triple from the existing ones today : malas gile..

got nothing to do with STI, fellow readers ;)