Thursday, October 9, 2008

Are you willing to sacrifice?

I just watched a very heart-touching movie : Helen, the baby fox.. I know.. I know.. the title sounded funny but the movie was not.. Japanese are so good at this, making up movies with very much good values. Though some were not, but this is by far a very good one.. I was about to cry but then my dad was right behind me, reading the newspapers, so I just tried to think of something else to prevent my tears from flowing down..hehe.. but I couldn't.. nothing can distract a woman from crying.. when she feels like to, she'll cry.. hahaha.

OK..It's a story about a boy named Sullivan who had saved and took care of an injured baby fox (of course, it's Helen). Helen had severe brain injury that caused her for not being able to see and hear.. Sullivan's father, who happened to be a veterinarian, said that Helen should be put to sleep.But Sullivan declined and insisted to take care of the fox. Without hesitation, he claimed himself as Helen's mother. Mind you, Sullivan was only about 6 years old. He had great hopes that Helen will recover and started to hold to his dreams that one day they'll be able to see the flowers in the summer, skateboarding, and cycling together.

At the end of the story, of course, Helen died.. But she died while both of them are realizing their dream.. It wasn't summer yet, but Sullivan had pluck dozens of flowers and arranged them around Helen.. It was so touching on how Sullivan, at that very young age, embracing all hurdles to make sure that Helen can live longer and happier to her very last day. And it was remarkable that Sullivan never complains and whines about how difficult it could have been, taking care of a deaf and dumb cub..

Are we capable of doing the same thing? I know, this is just a movie. A make-up story. It probably could have been a true story though. Maybe.. But the point that matters is, are we willing to sacrifice? If, one day, we are given a dumb, deaf and retarded child by God, if, again, do we have the courage to do the same? Can we look at the brighter side and keep on living our lives to the fullest? Can we stay positive and overcome any challenges? Can we?

Oho.. I don't want to get too emotional about this.. Or maybe because the fact that I have dozens of cats and I love them so much, make me feel like this.. I don't know.. But I do know that after I watched this movie, I honoured all the good mums in the world. I respect all dedicated fathers around the globe. It's not easy to sacrifice everything for your loved ones but parents can do that easily. I will always love you, mak and ayah :) You know I do..

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