Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lesbianism in me?

I was not the type of person who usually went ga-ga over guys.
More often than not, my taste for guys faded over the years, according to my friends.
I watched the Ellen deGeneres shows all the time.
I think Kristen Stewart is drop-dead gorgeous.
Most of my belongings are from nike.
I wore clothes from bundle shops and pasar malam too.
I used the same shoes for over 5 years' time.
I think make-ups are for people with low self-confidence level.
I never buy any.
I played tennis.
I enjoyed sweating under the sun.
I love beaches.
I climbed mountains.
I excessively hate shopping.
I hate high heels.
I prefer riding motorcycle than driving a car.
I enjoyed watching football since I was 9.
I even went to stadiums to watch some.
And I never went out on a date.
But that doesn't mean I'm a lesbian.
Though I had some bad experiences being chased by some.
And still ongoing.
But I am not.

p/s : I have a huge crush over this one REALLY HOT guy!
So please, don't mistaken me for a lesbian.
I DO have feelings for the opposite sex :)


Izyan de' Nerd said...

hahaha, there are lesbians chasing after you?? biar betul..

in my case, i think i'm as girly as girly gets. hehehe.. But you don't need to be girly to be a girl.. So, you go watch those football matches of yours, and you wear whatever you feel comfortable in, and ride that motorbike like a pro! To hell what others say!

P/s: yknow, you should give make-up a try... they make your eyes pop. And, for the life of me, i really can't understand ppl who don't find shopping therapeutic... LOL... (jk!)

munirah sulaiman said...

From high school days lagi > my neighbours.

My college days > lagi horror [ I should keep the bitter memories to myself]

You can say,to hell what others say, but this time around,it was my mom who blurted it out.

"Susah sangat ke nak pakai blouse?"

And, well, I still don't like the idea of wearing make-up. They were like glittery and sticky and shiny and etc etc.

Seriously,I MEMANG tak suke shopping. If I ended up in shopping malls pun, I will buy things for my sisters or my parents. Not for me :P
Strange huh?

Izyan de' Nerd said...

CM... errr, that Kristen Stewart girl... looks more like a baby-faced guy to me. (mungkin i dah byk sgt tgk cerita korea kot.. hehe)

So, it's either something's wrong with me, or something's wrong with you.. LOL.

We need a third opinion here!!!

Kristen Stewart - man or woman??

munirah sulaiman said...

Mate dashyat betol!

She's a gorgeous girl.
She's 18.
And she recently acting in Twilight [if u haven't seen or heard about it, click here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBvOhfL4mYw ]

But yes,
hate to admit.
she's a tomboy in real life.
but she's pretty, especially in Twilight!

I'm not a lesbian.
Trust me.

Izyan de' Nerd said...

Woah.. macam best je cerita ni!!

I'm still a bit skeptical about the girl tho (her long hair did helped a bit tapinya).

The hero on the other hand... fewwwwiiiTTT... Super-HOT, ok!! (hahaha... i'm a sucker for hot guys with smoky eyes!)

munirah sulaiman said...


He's a boiling-HOT vampire whom I would gladly throw myself to and shamelessly beg him to bite me!


It was exaggerating.

You should watch the movie. Not a really great one but it should feed your hunger for smoky eyes blokes ^_^

Btw, Robert Pattinson is 22 yo :)