Wednesday, December 24, 2008

For all the good course~

Orders are pouring in.

My long-awaited single deck oven has finally arrived last week.

And together with my stainless steel working table.

My personal loan has been granted yesterday.

I went to a 3 days' seminar in PD last Sunday and met the man of my dream...*wink!*
Super duper alhamdulillah =)

I'll keep the rest of the details to myself anyhow.
Full commitments are required at this stage.

And that's it.
I'll be leaving blogging for good.

Thanks for reading my personal [and somehow foolish] views.
For any unintentionally harsh words that I happened to use during blogging, please understand that it occured without my stable sanity, and I greatly apologize.

And last but not least, keep on writing as I'll keep on reading your blogs [whenever I can spare some time]
I might not be able to leave any comment at published entries anymore, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all the great bloggers are easily forgotten.

Good luck in life.
I have to chase some dreams~ =)

Monday, December 15, 2008

When I started to swear...

There were only 3 types of person that can trigger my anger:

1. Phony
2. Pretender


3. Hypocrite

Get out of my life. No girls look decent while swearing.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What happened to Malaysia's football team?

I wore my goofy face.
My head went haywire.
My system rebelled on me.
Pugnacity had it's spell all over me.
Lucky I couldn't find any victim, yet.

Malaysia's team lost to Thailand.
Expected, but I had had strong faith in them.
I had strong faith in Syed Adney.
Why Adney, why??
Were Malaysian goalkeepers had been cursed by the Thais?

[I might turn this blog to a football reviews' forum perhaps, I guess old habit dies hard]

What FAM have to comment upon this?
Malaysian fans haven't been supportive enough?
The field was not in proper condition, puddled and muddy?
Players were homesick since they celebrated Raya Haji in a land far, far away?
Lack of training?
Lack of coaching?
Lack of players' discipline?


Sathianathan had caused a public nuisance upon Helmi Eliza's careless blunder.
Team's spirit had weakened by their coach's selfless act.
Syed Adney was sounded a little bit Schadenfreude.
The midfielders were plain weak.
In short, the opposing side were way too mighty for Malaysians' team.
Macam gajah lawan kambing.

I personally think this was more than a little pique.
The blame game is going nowhere.
Forgive me if I sounded bias, but I watched the game.
I didn't just watched the news.

And I wished Malaysian team can perform much better next time.
Stop politicizing football, FAM.
We need to see new, fresh and talented faces for the team.
It's time to put Harimau Malaya to where it deserves to be >> at the top!

*I am still MU's greatest fan ;)*

Takdir itu untukku~~

Mutiara jernih berguguran.
Kupanjatkan doa kudus dalam sedan.
Takbir yang bergema menggetar sanubari,
menghiris nurani,
menginsafi diri.
Kukira Tuhan mahu aku sedar.
Kukira Tuhan mahu aku bangun.
Aku telah hanyut.
Dalam hasutan bodoh para musuh-Nya.

Purnama mengambang indah.
Kukira segala bintang yang bertaburan di dada langit.
Tidak terbilang.
Begitu juga rahmat dan redha-Nya.
Tidak akan mampu kuhitung.
Apakah aku sanggup membayangkan bilangan dosaku pula?
Aku kaku.

Aku telah tewas.
Dengan sekecil musibah.
Dengan sekelibat masalah.
Dengan seuntai kemajalan pesongan akidah.
Aku mengalah.
Aku rebah.

Siapa aku di sisi-Nya?
Layakkah aku menyalahkan takdir terindah ciptaan-Nya?

Aku pelasuh mainan waktu.
Aku intai harapan dalam teleku.
Aku bina impian di atas debu.
Goblokkah aku?
Merengkah akalku?

Lalu aku rodok diri yang sendu.
Aku bangun menghayun laju.
Kerna sememangnya aku sedar.
Takdir itu tercipta untukku!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

----- perishable mood mode ------

It's been quite a while where I had had the whole house by myself (plus my cats).
The every second of my life was filled with me, ayah & mak ( and my other 18 anak-anak )
I enjoyed the very best moments of my life, not until, my sisters came home.

What I thought would be another family reunion turned out to be something else.
I had a war to fight.
A battle of excruciating mood swings.
It's perishable.
It's short-lived.
But it leaves a stinky smell afterward.

* I sounded too self-centered*

Getting rid of this awful situation was not as easy as I thought.

I've ended up spilling my heart out to a mere stranger,
i.e. humiliating myself, hoping he'd had amnesia if I happen to meet him by force/accident.

And another long of I-wished-these-had-never-happened-now list :

- my handphone broke down
- my 'so-called friends' called me out of the blue for A LOT of favours
- I still can't comprehend wordpress
- I need to make up my website before 22nd of dec, and yet, I couldn't find better ways of doing it
- my sisters are going for a vacation but I have to stay home since I have more last-minute's orders

and last, but not least,

- Malaysia lost shamefully to Vietnam [ I adored you Helmy Eliza, but the 3rd goal??]

I think it's time for me to get a husband.

So I can pour my heart out and he can still nod in agreement with every word I say.
At least..

But on the second thought,

I think I need a maid!

A little of everything ~~

Little that I feel,
that hands that touched,
seed the beauty of love.

Little that I saw,
the eyes that watched,
had pictured beautiful thoughtful hopes.

Little that I heard,
that ears that listened,
scarred a deep wound inside.

Little that I realized,
people rather to be left behind,
to push their loved ones forward.

Little that I care,
that life is a bless,
yet I still keep on complaining.

Little that I desire,
I should look at the bright side of everything,
instead of running away from my downs.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Letters from Kelantan ;)

Working on my old wardrobe today. My dad had it shifted from my kampung. After 4 years remained untouched, the closet was still undeniably in a pretty good condition. And full of surprises too!

So today, with the help from my dear little sister, we had a small discussion of planning to renovate our rooms with the additional wardrobe, and yes, we thought the time had finally come to get rid of our old, unused clothes.

With great determination and pirates-of-the-caribbean-like spirit, we divided our tasks and the operation begun.
There were sneezing and screaming, here and there.
[We were both allergic to dust and I am afraid of roaches]
But there were more founding to my sheer delight.
Which made me grin (and laugh), unnoticed:

1. David Beckham of Manchester's poster.
I was a huge fan of him while he was still in MU. His boyish smile, laid-back personality, his super well-bended free-kicks and well, his hot bod was not an easily erased picture from any girl's wondering mind, eh? ;) [it's a perpetual curse, anyway]

I used to hang his posters (plus the rest of his teammates, I'm not that bias, ok?) on my bedroom's wall. That was when my conscious mind can only accept the fact that MU was the ONLY greatest football club in the world. As soon as some senses [and correct level of hormones ] had knock back into my head, the way I evaluate football was no longer just about those gorgeous faces. I am still MU's die-hard fan, and I will still keep that poster on my closet's wall. I watched Serie A too nowadays.

2. MU's grey hat.
I bought it when I was 16 at mufc KLCC. This hat used to be my companion whenever I went out for jogging or playing tennis. I thought I've lost it somewhere back in college, but well, I did not! You can't imagine how thrilled I was when I found it under a pile of clothes. I wore it all day long, even when I was taking my afternoon's nap and still am, now [fyi, it's already 12:56am ;)]

And last but not least,

3. Letters from Kelantan.
I did have friends from Kelantan. But this sender was a complete stranger to me. Those letters were sent to me back in 2004. I've never replied but if I put myself in his shoes, I would have been devastated for waiting. Let me extract a few of his (long) lines in those letters:

Menemui saudari Siti Munirah, semoga saudari berada dalam keadaan sihat hendaknya.

Tujuan saya menulis surat kepada saudari kerana saya ingin berkenalan dengan saudari.

Apakah azam saudari pada tahun baru (2004)?

Inilah maklumat diri saya:
Nama: xxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx
Alamat: Lot xxxx, Kg Chekok, Chetok, Pasir Mas, Kelantan

Kg. Chekok terletak di hulu kawasan Pasir Mas berhampiran sempadan Tanah Merah. Pada permulaan sempadan Tanah Merah terdapat sebuah bukit iaitu Bukit Panau.

Diharapkan saudari berbahagia dan ceria.

Should I reply these letters? His handwriting was kinda neat anyway :)
I feel bad for not replying though.
He had to forgive me since we've moved out in a hurry.
Sorry, XXX!

p/s : I forgot harga minyak dah turun! This morning I pumped in MYR5 worth of petrol for my nearly-empty motorcycle's tank. Guess what? Melimpah! Lucky it was me with the pump attendant only. Malunye! :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lesbianism in me?

I was not the type of person who usually went ga-ga over guys.
More often than not, my taste for guys faded over the years, according to my friends.
I watched the Ellen deGeneres shows all the time.
I think Kristen Stewart is drop-dead gorgeous.
Most of my belongings are from nike.
I wore clothes from bundle shops and pasar malam too.
I used the same shoes for over 5 years' time.
I think make-ups are for people with low self-confidence level.
I never buy any.
I played tennis.
I enjoyed sweating under the sun.
I love beaches.
I climbed mountains.
I excessively hate shopping.
I hate high heels.
I prefer riding motorcycle than driving a car.
I enjoyed watching football since I was 9.
I even went to stadiums to watch some.
And I never went out on a date.
But that doesn't mean I'm a lesbian.
Though I had some bad experiences being chased by some.
And still ongoing.
But I am not.

p/s : I have a huge crush over this one REALLY HOT guy!
So please, don't mistaken me for a lesbian.
I DO have feelings for the opposite sex :)