Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It's Chikungunya..
Commonly mistaken as dengue due to it's similar cynical symptoms but it is not.
Symptoms of Chikungunya:
1. High fever
2. Rashes
3. Chronic joints pain (which will last for > 3months)
4. Concurrent deaths

concurrent deaths?

According to an article, this applied to elderly people with low immunity level plus could be fatal for pregnant women too.

(Thank God I am not that old and so not pregnant)

It is contagious but only through mosquitoes bites.

Previous victims were my neighbours, more neighbours and my dad.

I've been suspected by my family doctor to carry the virus for these past few days.

Sakit badan, sengal etc.

The moment I thought that I'm doing just fine, the fever is gone, I sweat and perspired; my joints ache again.

I've drank bottles of 100plus for dehydration as there are no specific cure for this disease.
Medicines are pointless at this state.

I am starving but the food taste bitter and my stool has this very weird colour (I didn't mean to sound so gross, but, well, we have to know other symptom too)

I slept and woke up and walked like a very old lady since I could not feel my feet.

Rukuk while praying is another torture.

I talked to my mom and a few moments later I forgot what it was about.
(Short-term memory loss was probably not one of the symptom, I tensed up cause I have several cake orders for the weekend and I barely feel the tip of my fingers)

The incubation period for this fever usually last for 7 days.

I die loh like this.

Thanks and sorry dad for the breakfasts and lunches and dinners.
I really want to eat but I just can't swallow.

Thanks and sorry mom for all the house chores that you have to do despite your overloaded office works.


pumpkin said...

aku x tau plak ko kene chikungunya
mase aku blk cuti br ni ade la jgk tgk dlm berite, tp x tau plak ade sahabt aku yg kene
so, skang mcm mane? ok?

munirah sulaiman said...

salam kembali..

adekah itu kamu?
camne leh jumpe blog ini?
malunye diriku ^_^

demam tu dah takde,
tp ye lah..
simptom2 laen tu ade lg sket.
rashes naek juge.
saket sendi tu dtg menyerang kdg2..


dah ade gaye doktor tanye patient la mek :)