Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Am I a perfectionist?

How we actually define one?

The greatest fear for a perfectionist is to be flawed and their ultimate goal is perfection.
Simply said.

I just read definitions for perfectionism on Wikipedia.
It scares the hell out of me as I figured out that I, unintentionally, has been behaving as one for as long as I can remember.
[I thought all this while my friends had got me wrong]

This is not good.

Normal perfectionists "derive a very real sense of pleasure from the labours of a painstaking effort" while neurotic perfectionists are "unable to feel satisfaction because in their own eyes they never seem to do things [well] enough to warrant that feeling".

Perfectionists are people who strain compulsively and unremittingly toward impossible goals and who measure their own worth entirely in terms of productivity and accomplishment.

I can't be possibly blaming myself for these.
Maybe it was genetically passed down to me by my great ancestors or some kind like that.
[excuse, excuse]

You might think that a perfectionist is a workaholic.
One does not stop working until everything is in place according to one's expectation.

You can be wrong.

A perfectionist is a person who procrastinates a lot too.
[which clearly defines my state of condition now]

'I can't start off my task until I know the right way to do it'
'I can't start mopping if I don't use lavender-scented floor cleaner'
'I can't start rearrange my baking ingredients because I don't have those stack able containers like those in the Chef at Home's show'

I reproach myself after the smallest error, such as a word out of place or a misspelled word (even in my text messages or emails);
I might be so intent on finding the perfect mate that I probably will never settle down;
I am now a devoted procrastinator (yuhuuu!);
and I can be exceptionally sensitive to criticism.
[this explains why I never do a follow-up with my customer]

*I just don't dare to ask, 'How was the cake? Do you like it?'*

Now I know why I can't/won't be a good businessperson.

Back when I was training in the factory, I encountered the same problem too.

Whenever it was the time for packing, I would leave products that were not-so-perfect behind.
Only the perfect ones will go into 'my' boxes.
And mind you, the not-so-perfect ones were actually still can go out of the production lines.
It's just that it won't happen from my side.
I want my boxes of shipment to be flawless.
As if I was the one who will receive them.
And I freak out too whenever I have to work with those who care less about perfection.
Which reminded me of my college days where I have to nag and shout and scream in my kitchen because my group members frequently leave the table dirty and the mis-en-place was everywhere.

It was tiring anyway.
It's not that I don't try to change.
I just can't.

When I was trying to do my bit for my high school batch's reunion, I eventually walked away.
Simply because they can't do it according to my way.
I want to ensure everyone's safety.
I tried to be in everybody else's shoes.
I just want a less troublesome vacation.
I enjoy the sense of taking control over something but that's not how they want it.
I was trying to help, that's all.
I've done my research and I've updated anything possible but they might have taken me for granted, that this whole thing was not as serious as anyone but me should handle it.

Now I don't feel like going anymore.
Things would have been so much better if I can be as normal as others, I think.


Izyan de' Nerd said...

Don't worry che mooon.. we're in the same boat.

For as long as i can remember, people have been telling me that i'm a perfectionist. Which, tho i secretly agree sometimes, i still find myself cringe when the say it cos i hv long associated being a perfectionist to being neurotic (not a lovely thought, eh? plus, i never knew neurotic had a whole category for itself.]

And you're absolutely right about the procrastinating part, because i always find myself doing just that. I always have to do everything the way i want it, or i won't (or can't) do it at all [i think i wrote that in my old blog somewhere].

Back in college, me and bestfriend (who isn't a perfectionist but clearly influenced by one *wink) even called ourselves WPP a.k.a the Well-Planned Procrastinator.

So you see, you're not alone. =)

p/s: Thank you for this entry. It was very enlightening. And sorry i kinda wrote a comment just as lengthy (if not more) than the original post. =P

munirah sulaiman said...

Oh no!
You forgot to shortform CM!

Neurotic KJ?
You beat me over that.
Or maybe I happened to be one too?

Couldn't be more agree with you. This whole procrastinating process has been killing me slowly and surely.
I want to do things but I don't, providing that I know, if I want to do it, I have to find the correct way to do it. Which is somehow, I just couldn't.

Don't worry about the length of your comment. I never draw a border for it :)