Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I need to try harder ;)

mini-sized cupcakes
standard size cupcakes for 'hantaran'
another round of fancy cupcakes
these also
12" chocolate moist cake coated with ganache

I was asked a question during a recent interview with the New Straits Times,
" What makes you(myself) venture into this baking industry?"

I replied,
" Why people keep on asking me this kind of question? Isn't that obvious? Everybody has their own particular interest isn't it?"

That answer stuck somewhere along the throat.

I gave my best shot,
" From my early childhood's time, I've figured out that baking is one of the thing that fascinates me. You add and mix 4 to 5 ingredients together and within some period of time, you get to savour your own cakes or cookies. When people complimented your products, you feel good about yourself. Inside your heart, something whispers and tells you, this is exciting. This whole trial and taste cycle is just fantastic. I want to do this all my life. And that's how the rest of the history started."

Fuh.. Berbelit lidah.

I just made that up*

During my school days, I figured out that Physics had excite me the most. Those equations. Those experiments. I thought I might be able to become a good physicist one day.

But things started to fall apart. During my university days, Physics were defined as sakit kepala, sakit mata (experiment), pening, I-kill-that-profs' night time ambition and list goes on. I know this is not what I want to put myself into once I started my career later in life. Kudos to all physicists out there who had managed to cope with the stress ;) [ I don't really hate my profs ;P]

As a 19 year-old (during that time), I made a huge turning point of my life. Dad was not really on my side and I almost gave up upon convincing him to trust my decision that quitting university was the best for me. He was afraid that I might somehow suffer from inferiority complex. I might not berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah with my fellow friends. Yeah, I still feel that way, ayah.

But that's got nothing to do with not pursuing my goals. I know. My goals at this very moment are not as clearer as I would like to picture them. But I have so many dreams. That alone will accompany me through any obstacles, I hope (and I pray hard too).

So here I am, trying harder to satisfy my heart's desire. I always wanted to come up with the best. For the time being, these are some of my homemade baked products. ( I meant to place them down here, but nevermind). More pictures will be uploaded soon.

*Finally my page warna-warni sikit :)*


sYaZz said...

wow!che moon!!your cakes look damn delicious,esp that chocolate cake.kek utk hantaran pn cm best je,mybe u can bake it for my wedding nnt..huahua..nway dear,follow ur dreams..Allah always knows the best for us~
this sat,yup,c ya..insyaAllah~

munirah sulaiman said...

aiseh.. syaz.. thanks.. u flattered me laa..:P
tu kek hantaran tunang, I can't overdo it, lagi2 ade kaler tema, nak xnak, appearance maybe dull sikit.. cakes for u? shouldn't be a problem, insyaAllah..

I hope I can bring some chocolate cakes this Saturday.. :P

*doakan kerajinan diriku ini*

Izyan de' Nerd said...

cupcakes! i like!!

Anonymous said...

ling,ur cakes look yummy!
tp mcm tak smpi ati nk mkn sbb cute sgt..haha
ling,i know u're strong..1 fine day,we'll all go to the grand opening of ur bakery..*drool*
in the mean time,follow ur heart..
as long as u're happy,nothing else matters right?
if u need me,even to share some secret recipe,dont forget that i'm just a phone call away..;)
love u!mmuahx~

Kme said...

kak, why la ur cupcakes is sooo enticing. now i can't wait to go back home and taste it fresh from ur oven!!!=D

p.s: i still demand for rainbow cupcakes. hehe

munirah sulaiman said...

i'm trying hard to figure out is there anything that u dislike when it comes to food.. hehehe..

ur help and support had always come in handy.. i REALLY appreciate that.
share a secret recipe?
macam tau jer resepi ape..
thanks upon compliments..
and i looveee u too :)

dik, cepat2 je balik then come over to my house..
u nak tapau balik pun i benarkan tau :P