Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A calm sea won't make a skillfull sailor

Some hurdles, I've jumped over them,
Some living parasites, I've killed them,
Some luck, I've appreciated them,
Some love, thank u God, I've savoured them.

Welcome to my blog. I wished that I could have started this one off sooner. But time seems to envy me. It's been a long windy road. I've finished my tertiary studies. Now I am a holder of 2 diplomas and 1 advanced diploma. What do I got to do with those? Heee.. I still feel like a learner.. I think I'll continue my studies further up, hopefully.

Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya everyone.. Hope that everybody was having a fantastic one :)

I made the cake shown, our special Raya treat : luscious black forest cheesecake.. best tau :)


eyiblaxe said...

hey there lil' cuhsin..
thought of sneakin around ur bloggie nieh..hehee..
well2..i see two familiar cakes tht r alredy inside my stomach..n damn there were sooo fuckin delicious..uppps..haha!
gud job tho..
proud of u dearie..!!!!!
hope dat one day u gonna b a succesful cake maker..heheee..
we..the cuhsins support u aways..!


munirah sulaiman said...

thanks ling :)

but if to compare with others, my blog ni sempoi jer..
u know I do appreciate your comments and supports..

love ya :)

Izyan de' Nerd said...

Che moon, I see you've joined the bandwagon! Hehehe
Welcome to the bloggers' club =)
Hope to see amazing stuff from u.

p/s: bila nk buat kek for me plak?

munirah sulaiman said...

He.. Izzy..
thanks for the welcome note..
not sure bout 'amazing stuff'..
i think for the moment my writings are all dull and lame..
unlike yours ;)
better think hard bout the book-writing 'thing' ur dad proposed.
u ARE very GOOD.
trust me on this..
kalau hang dok dekat2 leh gak antakan kek..
tunggu hang balik sini dulu la no..
time hang kawen ka? hikhik..