Tuesday, December 9, 2008

----- perishable mood mode ------

It's been quite a while where I had had the whole house by myself (plus my cats).
The every second of my life was filled with me, ayah & mak ( and my other 18 anak-anak )
I enjoyed the very best moments of my life, not until, my sisters came home.

What I thought would be another family reunion turned out to be something else.
I had a war to fight.
A battle of excruciating mood swings.
It's perishable.
It's short-lived.
But it leaves a stinky smell afterward.

* I sounded too self-centered*

Getting rid of this awful situation was not as easy as I thought.

I've ended up spilling my heart out to a mere stranger,
i.e. humiliating myself, hoping he'd had amnesia if I happen to meet him by force/accident.

And another long of I-wished-these-had-never-happened-now list :

- my handphone broke down
- my 'so-called friends' called me out of the blue for A LOT of favours
- I still can't comprehend wordpress
- I need to make up my website before 22nd of dec, and yet, I couldn't find better ways of doing it
- my sisters are going for a vacation but I have to stay home since I have more last-minute's orders

and last, but not least,

- Malaysia lost shamefully to Vietnam [ I adored you Helmy Eliza, but the 3rd goal??]

I think it's time for me to get a husband.

So I can pour my heart out and he can still nod in agreement with every word I say.
At least..

But on the second thought,

I think I need a maid!


Izyan de' Nerd said...

You just need a friend, dear.
And if u ever need someone to talk to, you know where to find me.

p/s: I could use a good chat with an old, trusted friend myself. =)

munirah sulaiman said...

Thanks KJ.

I'm quite a complicated person.
It's troublesome for me to understand myself, thus, I better never let anyone but me digs deeper.

Problem comes and go.
Good friends stay. *wink*

Thanks again for your concern.
But I'm OK.
Don't worry bout me =)