Wednesday, December 24, 2008

For all the good course~

Orders are pouring in.

My long-awaited single deck oven has finally arrived last week.

And together with my stainless steel working table.

My personal loan has been granted yesterday.

I went to a 3 days' seminar in PD last Sunday and met the man of my dream...*wink!*
Super duper alhamdulillah =)

I'll keep the rest of the details to myself anyhow.
Full commitments are required at this stage.

And that's it.
I'll be leaving blogging for good.

Thanks for reading my personal [and somehow foolish] views.
For any unintentionally harsh words that I happened to use during blogging, please understand that it occured without my stable sanity, and I greatly apologize.

And last but not least, keep on writing as I'll keep on reading your blogs [whenever I can spare some time]
I might not be able to leave any comment at published entries anymore, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all the great bloggers are easily forgotten.

Good luck in life.
I have to chase some dreams~ =)


Izyan de' Nerd said...

awww.. u're leaving? Sob Sob..
Well all the best, ne!

Mohafiz MH, M.D. said...

ala..apsal semua dah nak bersara ni..mahathir pun active blogging lagi

bulan.luna said...

Che mun!!!! guesss who s in the house!!! tralalalalla che mun! nak cake nak cake!!! che mun i loike ur writing traalalallala! heheh guesss whooo!!!