Thursday, October 30, 2008

Quick overview :)


I've been on the run for these past few days. I promised myself to write a new post today, under whatever circumstances that I might be in. So, let's just start off with my dear friend's wedding on last Saturday :

*Bed and hubby, may both of you are blessed with lots of love and.. err.. kids ;P*

As soon after the wedding ceremony plus endless model-like photo shoots, we dropped by Echah's house and eventually had a private batch's meeting betul-betul depan rumah. Hehehe.. 10 years of friends.. Time had flown by so fast :(

We reached KL later that night and had our teh tarik session in ABC Ampang and continued our conversation up till the wee hours in the morning. Barely none of us had enough sleep but since time spent is so limited and priceless, gossiping and 'patching up empty holes' were a MUST!

Still, nobody could actually believed that Bed has finallY married ;P

The next day, me and Suraya went to OU. I finally had my own copy of Peggy Porcshen's Pretty Party Cakes. I was totally thrilled :) We later savoured some BR ice-creams and hats off to the counter guy who had been so patient with me - I'm lousy at selecting - every flavour looked superbly nice and luscious.

I rambang mata so easily.
Even if it's regarding ice-cream.
Or should I say especially regarding food.
Cakes, ice-creams, donuts.
Frappes and ice-blended.
I can't even pick one out of three..
Gheee.. ;P

Went back to Seremban, my family and I had our late lunch - steamboat.
Hot and steamy. YUM.

LR : Youngest, younger, me.

Ayah and mak :)

Monday was my I-don't-care-I-want-to-sleep day :)

I didn't sleep all day long lah.
I just slept a few extra more hours je :P

We made these on Tuesday. Cream cheese with chocolate chips pound cake :

Before bake [My sister asked, perlu ke gambar ni? :P]

After baked. Lucky only both of us were in the house :)

My sister went back Penang later that night.Together with loaves of cakes as demanded :) I, on the other hand, had to make these for today's jamuan Hari Raya as souvenirs for VVIPs together with 300 cupcakes and 18 chilled mango puddings :

-5 flower pots-

side view - (h) 9cm (l) 6cm bottom 8cm top

Purple colour, just how I like it :)

They were flower pots- cake and sugarpaste version.
A lot had mistaken them for the real ones :P
Kenapa bagi cenderahati pasu bunga pulak?

Ok, it's time to clear up my kitchen.
Next order will be more chocolate cakes ^_^
I promise I won't bore you with more choc cake pixs :P


Izyan de' Nerd said...

I don't care if you think i'm a glutton, but that flower pot (cake?) i want!!! Cepat CM, poskan to me.. i'll gv you my address. =P

munirah sulaiman said...

I don't need to think twice, do I? :P

sabar KJ..
balik msia dulu..
this thing very fragile orr..

unless if u want the coffee cappuccino cake only, then I can gladly send it to you.. [with extra hidden charge of course :)]

Anonymous said...

ngee..dude, with all the other pics, why must u posted that ugly-sellulit-like pic?huhu~..

thanx anyway 4 that heavenly cheese cake,my friends didn't even realised it was a cheese cake..duhh!

next time i want the cute looking cupcakes lor..can r?hm..i'll be back on 19th,insyaAllah..i'll tell u then..

thanx again..u knw u luv me..X0X0..hehe

munirah sulaiman said...

sis.. ugly cellulite-like pix?
where, where ?

I noticed that..
Sorry the whole world knew already.

What happened to ur friends' tastebuds?

See u with my present on this 19th..
make sure it's a gorgeous one!
I know you love me too XOXO