Saturday, November 1, 2008

November it is!

You finally came :)

I have so many plans for this month.
Obviously, I'm going to turn 22 in the next few weeks.
It's still early, I know.
It's just a sweet little reminder for my sis.
And bro.
And cousins.
And friends..

I didn't really ask for a present, or did I? :P

Well, growing older is not a big fuss for me.
I'm still single, but being surrounded with a happy family plus friends who cared so much about me, why bother, right?
I don't think I have anything to complain around about.
I have what I want in life for the moment.
And I am as busy as a bee, working on my website which still look dull and quite pathetic (my bad!), I really don't think I can focus on building a relationship right now.

But yes, dreams are aplenty.
And to sacrifice a few in order to achieve more is just my cup of tea.
He can wait for that.
He should.

Oh heck, I don't even have that 'he' yet.

As Tina Fey of 30 Rock had put it in Oprah :

Let those men out there gain their experience about us through other women.
Let them flirt.
Let them have the relationships.
Let them get dumped and learn the hard way.
When the right time comes, they'll walk into our lives with undoubted expertise and treat us just like queens.
That's what happened to me.
And now I'm living the happiest days of my life with the man I love.
Don't worry singles!

I love you Fey :)

I'm going to bake white chocolate cherry cheesecake today.
This time is for Angah, cute sis :P


Izyan de' Nerd said...

Nice entry.

And i really like the quote from Fey, tho honestly, i would rather 'he' have me as his first, his one and his only (vice versa).

And then, along the way we'd figure how to work the relationship out together, instead of him figuring it out himself thru multitudes of other relationships.

That's why i'm saving my first real relationship for my husband =)

p/s: this is just another lame excuse to justify why i'm still single... hahaha

munirah sulaiman said...

Hoho KJ..

It's every woman's dream.

*He's my one and only, my first and last*

Truth is, I kept Fey's advice as penyejuk hati only.

As what Sue told me yesterday, 'ape lagi (make a move la CM,in other words),kawan2 kite sume dah advance'

So I answered, 'kawan2 advance tapi tak matured, x gune jugak..'

At the end of the day, they will soon realize that all this lovey-dovey thing is only a total waste of time..

I personally think that we have to have a higher level of maturity before we can actually admit that we are ready for that kind of relationship.

And 22 is just too young :P

p/s : I pray that 'he' learns about us women through his observations and his friends' experiences only. The thought of 'he' is baki someone else is not very interesting and inviting :D

sYaZz said...

yup2,its a nice sweet reminder..nway che moon, the flower pot cake is soooo cute!
i like the part "don't worry singles!" sb there's nothing to worry pn your life to the fullest~ lgpn ayah ko kate ur wedding will be the next kan?hahahahahahha!saje nk cuakkan ko..haha..jgn pk yg bkan2 che moon2~

munirah sulaiman said...


please don't remind me my dad's words..

Macam diperli ayah pulak sebab still single rasenye :P

Bout the flowers, thanks..
As cute as the creator, don't u think?

*insafla wahai CM*


Ok, live while u can live..
tapi kalo ade yg ganteng2 kat hong leong tower tu, hm.. ape lagi, u have my number right? :P

sYaZz said...

*insaflah wahai cm*---yes,u should!hahaha~